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Overtime, 2019

Individual de Magaly Sánchez

Programa Anual "Mujeres Peruanas en el Arte"

Embajada de Perú en Estados Unidos

Washington, EE.UU.


Magaly Sánchez (conceptualización y diseño de la exposición)

Jerson Ramirez (texto de sala)


Inauguración y visita guiada

Miércoles 9 de octubre

Texto de sala

One of the most ancient sciences know by men, whose origins can be found in the theoretical field, is mathematics. When following its principles and rules, there is absolutely no problem that cannot be solved. Nevertheless, when we try to use mathematical principles to solve problems that belong to our material reality, we realize that in the physical world, in practice, not everything is solved as easy as in the metaphysical world, the theory.

The paintings shown by Magaly Sánchez are found in the middle of this struggle between theory and practice. In the search of Beauty, she uses the Renaissance theory -based on the canons of the human body and nature with fundaments on geometrical studies- and brings it to the contemporary pictorial practice helped by the visual language of Pop Art and Op Art.

Finding Beauty, still, demands following two paths: the one of the eternal Beauty -the ideal one- and the one of the ephemeral Beauty -the earthly one. Sánchez brings together both of them in her works. On one hand, the geometrical forms of the canvases and elements that give energy to the compositions -besides the vigorous and potent colors of the backgrounds- give us the sensation of stability and eternity through time and space. On the other hand, the artist borrows details of iconic paintings of Italian Quattrocento and places them on these backgrounds; beautiful female figures and delicate flowers, symbols of ephemeral Beauty.

Magaly’s research on the pictorial possibilities using geometrical theory to find Beauty has materialized on the works seen here. Only time will tell us which will be the next path she’ll follow to confront the contemporary practice of painting with the everlasting geometrical theory.

Jerson Ramirez


Magaly Sánchez

Uriel (Tríptico)


Acrílico sobre lienzo

220 x 100 cm.

Magaly Sánchez

La mujer y las flores (Díptico)


Acrílico sobre lienzo

80 cm de diámetro c/u

Magaly Sánchez

Brueguel I


Impresión en papel

55 x 75 cm

Magaly Sánchez

Brueguel III


Impresión en papel

55 x 75 cm

Magaly Sánchez



Acrílico sobre lienzo

55 x 75 cm

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